Gun Violence Two Years. Hannah Ahlers. Heather Alvarado. Dorene Anderson. Carrie Barnette. Jack Beaton. Steve Berger. Candice Bowers. Denise Burditus. Sandy Casey. Andrea Castilla. Denise Cohen. Austin Davis. Thomas Day, Jr. Christiana Duarte. Stacee Etcheber. Brian Fraser.
Mental Health You Should Give a $#!% About Suicide Prevention But you already know that.September is Suicide Prevention Month and I haven't written for a bit, so here we are. This, like much of what I've written about to date, has its
Mental Health You Should Give a $#!% About Mental Health But you already know that.There's a longer, much more intense version of my mental health story that I'm sure I'll share at some point, but I'm not quite ready for that and
racism You Should Give a $#!% About Institutional Racism But you already know that.Actually, do you know that? Do you know what institutional racism even is? Here's my "even the dumbest of dumb idiots couldn't possibly be confused" definition: racism is
Gun Violence You Should Give a $#!% About Gun Violence But you already know that.If you aren't on the brink of exploding with the fiery rage of a thousand solar flares, check your pulse. If your heart is beating, you should be
You Should Give a $#!% But you already know that.Empathy. That’s it. That’s the blog. Ok, not really, but damn, if it were only that simple there would be a lot less daily horror and