You Should Give a $#!%
But you already know that.
Empathy. That’s it. That’s the blog.
Ok, not really, but damn, if it were only that simple there would be a lot less daily horror and a lot more hope for humanity.
Everyone is capable of empathy, but we live in a time where we can hardly react to one tragedy or injustice before we’re thunderpunched in the throat by the next one. It's breathtaking (due to the throat punching) and dizzying and frankly, paralyzing. Bad things happen with such frequency that hearing about a mass shooting registers about the same on the shock scale as hearing it’s going to rain in Seattle tomorrow.
The unfortunate result is that tons of people who absolutely could contribute to resolving pervasive issues like homelessness or racial injustice do nothing at all because they don’t believe they can make an impact. And that, my friends, sucks.
Here’s the thing: YOU CAN AFFECT CHANGE. That’s a care-scream (soon to be trademarked).
We spend money every single day on things that simply don't matter - that daily latte, the subscription service you forgot you’re paying for (you’re welcome), and don’t think twice about it. If I had a nickel for every dollar I've essentially set on fire, I'd have a bunch more dollars to donate to causes that need it. I'm not saying you need to ditch the coffee or stop watching Netflix; the point is if you can afford to do those things without batting an eye, chances are you've got a few bucks to spare.
That crashing sound you just heard was me shattering the myth that you have to give a lot to make an impact. Lots of people + small donations = huge impact. That's just math.
Here's your other problem: there are approximately 1.5 MILLION registered nonprofits in the US. That’s both really awesome (or mostly awesome, because some trash organizations are technically nonprofits) and overwhelming. Aside from money, the other notable barrier to getting involved is simply knowing where to start.
Now for step two: the step where you don’t have to guess where to give the money you now know you can spare because I tell you where, and eliminating that guesswork eliminates your excuse for not donating and now you’re essentially a philanthropist. Also you feel really great (science) and tell your friends about it and your friends do it and they feel great and next thing you know we’re saving the world.
From here on out, I'll be presenting you with causes and organizations I think you should give a $#!% about because the world is on fire and we need to do something about it. All nonprofits I ask you to support will be vetted based on two factors: what percentage of funds go directly toward the issues they support and how efficient they are at raising money. And wouldn’t you know it, a great nonprofit called Charity Watch grades nonprofits on those metrics. In cases Charity Watch hasn’t graded an organization, you can trust it’s been researched by me to ensure you get the most bang for your philanthropic buck.
Ultimately, I'm trying to burst your comfort bubble. I'm asking you to let yourself feel that pit in your stomach when you know something isn't right, isn't just, and to do even the tiniest bit more. If you're anything like me, it's been a struggle just to start. With any luck, you'll join me on this journey and together, we can bring some light to those shrouded in darkness.
Ok, that actually is the blog. You, an empathetic person with a heart of gold, a desire to support important causes, and a few bucks to spare every month join me, an empathetic person with a heart of gold, a desire to support important causes and a few bucks to spare every month in driving positive change in a world that can use it now more than ever.